- 1955 : Born in Nahariya, Israel
- 1970-73 : O.R.T. Highschool of Arts, Haifa, Israel
- 1976-78 : Freelance Graphic Designer,Israel
- 1978-81 : W.I.Z.O. Neri Bloomfield College of Design, Photography Department, Haifa, Israel
- 1982-86 : Based in Amsterdam, Holland. Specialized with the "PIN HOLE" technique using round-cylinder cameras. Projects for "Stren" magazin (mai 1985) in Germany, and Insurence Company in Amsterdam.
- 1988-1989: Based in New York projects for Kodak, "New York through the pin hole". Project for the 150 of photography for the Minister of Culture of France - "Life in the Deseret" about the Beduin tribe in the Negev deseret. Project for film company-Nolan Kieth in Ierland "Dublin and west Ierland. 1990- project for J&J. company.U.S.A. First workshop in Madrid, Spain orgenized by kodak.
- 1990-92 : Based in Amsterdam: Projects for: Man Roland company in Germany (calender for ´1992). "IMAGINA" project for C.A.F. (Centro Andaluz de la Fotografia), Almeria- Spain (exposed during EXPO SEVILLA in 1992).
- 1992-94 : Based in Paris in the Cité Internationale des Arts: Grand from the Minister of Culture - City of Paris , first work from inside the Camera Obscura, transforming my studio to a pin hole camera (Camera Obscura). Creating a new technique "PINOGRAM" which is an image creating out of combining pinhole and photogram in the same exposure time.
- 1994-97 : Based in PARIS: Trasforming my car as Camera Obscura , specialized in "PINOGRAM" technique , using my car as camera. Project for the city of Lorient (France) "the harbour". Creating a series about the monuments of Paris using my car as camera. Project for "Migro" Supermarket company in Switzerland transforming different products to cameras.
- 1997-2009 : Based in SEYSSEL (France): Specialized in "PHOTGRAMA" technique, developing the "CALORIGRAMA" technique- which is Photogram based on HEAT as only energy and the "NATUROGRAM" -a new way of developing techniques. From 2004 using the moon light as only energy- "LUNAGRAM" technique an photogram image create by the light of the moon only , working mostly outdoors in nature at night .Experimention with vegetables (red pepper) and the earth as PIN HOLE cameras. Constructing and photographing using 3 pinhole cameras. In 2000 a Project for the city of Cahlon S/ Saone- Musee N.Niepce (France) - "Le Grand Album". From 2001 working regulery with the C.A.F.(Centro Andaluz de la fotografia) in Almeria- Spain , giving workshops every year. In 2006-2007 Project for KUTXA bank in San Sebastian (Spain) about the Monoments of the city using my van car as PIN HOLE camera. Creating a LUNAGRAM of 30 meters long.
- From 2010: Based in Cabo de Gata - Almeria (Spain): From 2008 -2011 project from the C.A.F.(Centro Andaluz de la Fotografia) Almeria (Spain) - "Monoments of Andalusia" with travelling exhibition and cataloque in 2012.In 2010-2011 Project for the CAJA SEGOVIA (the Bank of Segovia) about the monoment of the city of Segovia as well giving workshops in the universities of Granada, Jaen and Sevilla.
2021 | "Pliegues y Huellas" (Fold and trace), Ciudadela de Pamplona, Pamplona, Spain |
2016 | "Eine Kamera reist durch die Zeiten" (Camera travel through times) Photos from New York - Hamburg & Jerusalem. Kulturhaus Eppendorf, Hamburg, Germany |
2015 | "ANDALUCIA project". Traveling exhibition + film in Malaga, Sevilla, Cadiz |
2014 | "ANDALUCIA project", exhibition + film. Centro Andaluz de la fotografia, Almeria , Spain |
2013 | "Cámera Oscura la Magia de la Fotografia" retrospective show + workshops and lecture. Castillo de santa Ana (the city gallery ) Roquetas de Mar, Almeria, Spain |
2011 | "Monuments of segovia through the camera Obscura",Casa de Los Picos, Segovia, Spain. |
2010 | "The magic of photography-camera obscura," Jaen University gallery , Jaen, Spain. |
2009 | "Ilan Wolff-Camera Obscura," Center Culturel Puertas de Castilla, Murcia, Spain. |
2008 | "San Sebastian project," Museo de Bellas Artes,(Museum of fine art) Sevilla, Spain. |
2007 | "San Sebastian project", Lunagrama project & retrospectiv exhibition, Kubo gallery-kursaal (the art gallery of Kursaal), San Sebastian, Spain. |
2006 | "Ilan Wolff- Camera Obscura"- retrospective, Culturel Centre "Jean Vilar", Bellegarde, France. |
2005 | "Imagina project", orgenized by Centro Andaluz de la fotografia (Alcazaba sala), Almeria , Spain. |
2004 | Camera obscura at work, Nahariya city art gallery, Nahariya, Israel. |
2003 | Camera Obscura at work, Galerie municipale de la ville de Gruenberg. Germany. |
2002 | The 4 ELEMENTS, Charles Nes gallery, New york, USA. |
2001 | Camera Obscura at work, C.A.F.(Centro Andaluz de la Fotografia), Almeria, Spain |
2000 | "Paris Monoments," Galerie de la Cité Internationale des Arts (During Mois de la Photo à Paris) Paris, France. |
1999 | Life in the Desert, Musée de l’ethnologie de l’université de Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland. |
1997 | Camera Obscura at work, Galerie municipale de la ville de Yerres, Yerres, France. |
1996 | "Monoments of Zurich," Photoforum gallery, Zurich, Switzerland. |
1995 | Camera Obscura at Work, Focale gallery, Nyon, Switzerland. |
1993 | Camera Obscura project 1992-1993, Cité Internationale des Arts gallery, Paris, France. |
1992 | "Life in the Desert"-the beduin in the negev desert, Galerie Sephiha, Brussel, Belgium. |
1991 | Camera Obscura at work, Portfolio gallery, London, England. |
1990 | "Voyage en Seine et Marne," Centre Photographique - Ile de France, Pontault-Combault, France. |
1989 | Camera Obscura at Work, Wilfred - Israel Museum, Kibbuz Hazorea, Israel. |
1988 | Camera Obscura at Work, Les Somnambules gallery, Toulouse, France. |
1986 | Germany through the Camera Obscura, Art & Book gallery, Hambourg, Germany. |
1984 | Camera Obscura at work, the gallery of Bibliothèque Nationale de Paris (during "Mois de la Photo a Paris" festival), Paris, France. |
1983 | "Collage works", Gallery "Uit de Kunst", Delft, Holland. |
"Humano 2. Habitats" , Meca - Mediterraneo centro artistico, Almeria, Spain
"I was here", international pinhole exhibition, Clifford - Thames gallery, London
L'objet Photographique - une invention permante" .Maison Europeenne de la Photographie.(Paris Photo museum) Paris,France.
"first biennial of Photography festival in Granada". Art Gallery of Granada University. Granada, Spain.
"The edge of vision", Aperture foundation gallery, New York, U.S.A.
First Photography biennial festival of Huelva, Museum of the city, Huelva, Spain.
"Pingyao International Photography Festival" Pingyao museum ,China.
"Grunberg through the pinhall" - Grunberg art gallery, Grunberg, Germany.
"Antologia y fotografias recienter" Explorafoto 2004, Salamanca,Spain.
"Old is new again" Pingyao international photography festival, Pingyau, China.
Visioaria" festival, city of Siena, Italy.
"20 artistes dans la ville" - Center Culturel Aragon, Oyonnax, France.
Pinhole international 2 festival ,city of Siena, Italy.
"Le jardin de l’émotion“, Manifestation intitulée, Saint-Germain en-Laye, France.
" ARCO" Art fair in Madrid, Spain.
"manieres de voir"(old proces in photography) La Maison des Arts, Antony, France.
"Le Grand Album“ (project for 2000), Chalon-Sur-Saône, France.
"100 years of Photography in Israel“, Mane Katz and Haifa museums,Haifa, Israe.l
"Photo-gravure“, URDLA - Centre International de l’Estampe, Lyon, France.
"Pendant que le loup n’y est pas...“, Ateliers de la Poudrière, Seyssel, France.
"Pinhole International 2"(Contact photo festival), Lonsdale gallery, Toronto, Canada.
"Aintérieurs", Centre d’Art Contemporain de Lacoux, Hauteville, France.
"Landscape", Galerie O, Schaffhausen, Switzerland.
"Paris sous l’Objectif 1885-1994“, Musee Carnavalet, Paris, France.
"L’Eau" ,Musée Véra, Saint-Germain-en-Laye, France.
" Pinhole International 1", Galerie Lonsdale, Toronto, Canad.a
"The World Through a Pinhole" (New Zealand’s Fotofestival), Wellington,New Zealand.
"The Body in the Mirror", Center of Photography, Skopelos, Grèce.
"Baignade Interdite“ (art festival) Atelier de la Poudrire, Seyssel, France.
Skyline- The Tel-Aviv Museum of Art, Tel Aviv, Israel.
Premier Eté Photographique de Bonifacio (first photography festival), Bonifacio(Corsica), France.
"Art in movment- Machines", Art center "La Clef", St. Germain en Laye, France.
photo festival of Lorient ,Gallery "Le Lieu", Lorient, France.
"Images et Imagiers d’Artistes", Le Pecq sur Seine, France.
"Borderline“(Fototage festival), Frankfurt et Berlin museums, Germany.
"Portraits d’une Capitale", (Mois de la Photo festival), Musée Carnavalet, Paris, France.
"Studio 8206 as Camera Obscura"(Mois de la Photo festival) Cité Internationale des Arts gallery, Paris, France.
"Imagina“ project house of Andalusia-Spain, Expo'92 - Sevilla, Spain.
"Panorama des Panorama", Palais de Tokyo, Paris, France.
"La Nouvelle Photographie Ancienne", saint Malo, quimper, colloque, Lannion, Lorient, France.
"Splendeur-Misère du Corps“, Musée d’Art Moderne, Paris, France.
"Terre Lumiere", abbaye de Flaran, Valance/Baise, France.
"Artothèque Aquisitions", Chateau d’Eaux, Toulouse, France.
"Through a Pin-Hole Darkly", Museum of Fine Arts, Long Island, U.S.A.
"Through a Pin-Hole Darkly", Roanoke Museum of fine Art, Roanoke, Virginia, U.S.A.
"Skyline", Museum of Modern Art- Tel Aviv, Israel.
Pin hole international2 (Foco festival), Circolo de las Bellas Artes, Madrid, Spain.
Pin hole international1 (Foco festival), Circolo de las Bellas Artes, FOCO, Madrid, Spain.
Kodak Collections, Rochester, U.S.A.
Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris, France.
Victoria and Albert Museum, London, England.
Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe, Hambourg,Germany.
Ministère de la Culture, (minister of culture), Paris, France.
Musée Carnavalet (museum), Paris, France.
Maison Européenne de la Photographie (Photo museum of Paris), Paris, France.
"Gunter Sachs" collection,Munchen,Germany.
Musée Nicéphore Niepce (Museum), Chalon-sur-Saône, France
Collection Johanson & Johanson Company, New York, U.S.A.
Artothèque (city archives), Toulouse, France
Musée de l’Elysée (Museum of LÈysee), Lausanne, Switzerland
C.A.F. (center photography of Andalusia), Almeria, Spain
Museum of the city of Grunberg, Grunberg, Germany
Caja Segovia (the bank of Segovia), Segovia, Spain
Privet Collections in U.S.A., Europe and Israela. Duis ac pellentesque nisi.
2011 | Cataloque solo: "Segovia a traves de la Camera Oscura", Caja Segovia, Segovia, Spain |
2010 | Cataloque solo: The Magic of Photography, University of Jaen, Spain. |
2009 | book; "The Edge of Vision - the rise of Abstraction in Photography ,Lyle rexer, Aperture edition, N.Y. U.S.A. |
2007 | catalogue solo: "Camera Obscura- Ilan Wolff",Kutxa caja Gipuzkoa (bank Kutxa), San Sebastian, Spain. |
2004 | magazin: KULT,, Zurich, Switerland. |
2003 | cataloque: "20 artists dans la rue", Oyonnax, France. |
2002 | book: "Photography Antiquarian Avant-Garde"/Abrams ,New-York, U.S.A. |
2001 | article: "The view from the mois de la photo“, magazine Afterimage (Avril), USA. |
2000 | catalogue: "Mois de la photo à Paris 2000“, Paris, France. |
1999 | article: portfolio "Images“ (No 41), Paris, France. |
1998 | catalogue solo:"Camera Obscura at Work 1982-1997“, Ilan Wolff, France. |
1997 | lBook: "Architecture et Grand Travail“, R.M.N. Edition,Paris, France. |
1996 | article: Zürchervisionen“, Nikon-News Nr.4, Küsnacht, Switzerland. |
1995 | article: „L’homme qui voulait être dans la caméra“, Tribune de Genève( 21st April), Geneva, Switzerland. |
1994 | catalogue; „Images et Imagiers d’Artistes“, Le Pecq sur Seine, France. |
1993 | article: ‘Atlas Journal’ magazine, Paris, France. |
1992 | catalogue: „Portraits d’une Capitale“, Musée Carnevalet, Paris, France. |
1991 | article: in The Independent (3rd Nov), London, England. |
1990 | article: „L’oeil cyclope“- ‘Le Monde (27th Feb), Paris, France. |
1989 | article: "American Photographer Magazine" (mai), New York, U.S.A. Cataloque: La Nouvelle photgraphie Ancienne, edition Argraphie, France |
1988 | catalogue: "Splendeurs et Misères du Corps“, Paris Audiovisuel, France.. Cataloque: "Terre Lumiere", Minister of Cultuer, Gers, France. Article: Modern Photography magazine (July), New York, U.S.A. article: Modern Photography magazine (septmber), New Yorl, U.S.A. Cataloque: "Skyline", The Tel Aviv Museum of fine Art, Tel Aviv, Israel. |
1986 | Article: "Liberation", Paris, France. Article: Kunst Heft magazine, Germany. Article: Hamburger Abendblatt (nr.107), Hamburg, Germany. Article: Color Foto magazine - portfolio, Germany. Cataloque: Foco 86 festival-pinhole photography, Madrid, Spain. |
1985 | Reportage: Stern Magazine (Mai), Hamburg, Germany. |
1984 | Cataloque: "Mois de la Photo a Paris", Paris Audiovisuel, France. |
1983 | Cataloque solo: Ilan Wolff Photography, Galerie XYZ, Gent, Belguim. |